After getting a a little frustrated with generating boards for manufacture (particularly Advanced Circuits barebones), I banged out a quick Makefile to speed the compilation. This of course will work best on Unixy systems, I use it on my Macbook Pro with Macports. The makefile depends on (of course) GNU Make, gerbv, and EAGLE. I […]
Teardown of the Instek GDS-820C oscilloscope on a lazy Friday afternoon. It’s a fairly interesting design, two layer boards, no parts are leadless. The finest pitch components are the Altera FPGA and the Freescale CPU. Definitely “older” technology than a modern Tek or Agilent scope. Looks like a prototype I might build. It’s a good […]
Getting Ben’s (derivative of David’s) SSRP to work under OSX with modern GNU radio libraries, and have a few notes. To build firmware for FX2 chips – which are 8051 cores, you need SDCC. I got it from MacPorts. sudo port install sdcc To program FX2 parts on Linux, use fxload, a part of the […]