Duplication of my final post for HTMAA. Grand overview of my final project and a few greatest hits. Teaser! Quick preview of my final project, but first some “greatest hits”. I put most of this work in the content repo, the pictures link to the respective project pages. FabISPkey FabISP remixed. I remixed the FabISP […]
It’s drawing to a close, check out my MAS.863 How to Make (almost) Anything class wrap up/ final project.
The Anduino is a pretty streightforward clone of a Sparkfun Arduino Pro Mini and Ed Baafi’s Fabkit/Fabduino. Just as Ed did, since there is no 8/16Mhz oscillator in the fab inventory, I used the internal oscillator. This is an 8M oscillator that fits on this board. I felt compelled to put together an Arduino clone […]
This week, with help from Alex Olwal and Julia Ma, I finally managed to scratch a project itch that has been lingering since the spring. The installation uses crowd sourcing to actively build a tangible visualization of attendee demographics. A world map covered by transparent LEGO baseplates stands at a conference, and bowls of transparent […]
This semester, I’ve been fortunate enough to take Neil Gershenfeld’s How to Make (Almost) Anything. For one of the first assignments, we’ve been tasked with fabbing (routing on the modella and stuffing) Neil’s FabISP which is based on David Mellis’s FabISP which is based on Limor’s USBTinyISP which is based on Dick Streefland’s USBTiny. I […]
So, I’ve managed to build the MIT CBA Fab Modules on OSX. After many requests, I’ve put up a brief description of how I did it. In Niel’s code, the makefab script builds the makefile which in turn builds the code used to generate tool paths for the Modella, vinyl sign cutter etc. First, using […]