I’ve been shopping around for a nice bench DMM for a while now, so I bought a busted Keithley 2000 off Ebay thinking that it would be an easy repair. I assumed that all the input protection in a modern DMM should fail first to protect anything important, and all I would need to do […]
I received a question from Ary Lems about the HP 5257A Transfer Oscillator I tore down a few months ago. He writes, About this one I do have a question. On one of the pictures there is a pc board with nr 05257-60211. On this pc board is an plastic srew and washer placed on […]
Teardown of the Instek GDS-820C oscilloscope on a lazy Friday afternoon. It’s a fairly interesting design, two layer boards, no parts are leadless. The finest pitch components are the Altera FPGA and the Freescale CPU. Definitely “older” technology than a modern Tek or Agilent scope. Looks like a prototype I might build. It’s a good […]